As you may have heard, our Hendersonville, TN shop was hit hard by a tornado recently. Read more...

Mandola Truss Rod



These truss rods are constructed with two cold finish steel rods and two brass blocks. Each rod is covered with heat shrink to minimize buzzing and rattling, and to allow for easier adjustment.

This Truss Rod has a block-to-block measurement of 8 3/4″ with 3/4″ out past the block, and a 1/8″ Allen Wrench End.
Custom lengths and ends are available upon request. (Please email or call – click here)

Please notice that the listed shipping prices for each item are for Domestic (U.S.) sales only. Since shipping prices and methods vary widely for different International destinations, please contact us either before or after your purchase, so we can modify shipping prices according to your particular destination.

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