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Armrests- Octave Mandolin



Here is another relatively new offering from the fertile minds at Cumberland Acoustic! This armrest is designed especially for instruments in the Octave Mandolin family. Size-wise, they are the largest in our array of armrest offerings  The outer curvature of this Octave Mandolin Armrest has been designed with the average outer curvature of an octave mandolin in mind. They measure about 3/8″ thick  x  about 1-3/4″ wide  x   about 5″ long.

These armrests are finely crafted from a variety of hardwoods. Current offerings are East Indian Rosewood, Honduras Mahogany, Claro Walnut, and Figured Maple. Once in place, this armrest will help protect your octave mandolin from sweat and “finish wear” that might occur from your forearm rubbing against the instrument as you play. You might even find that your tone and volume are enhanced, as your forearm will no longer “deaden” the vibrations coming from the top of your instrument. Both the armrest and the clamp have a narrow layer of cork or leather to protect the finish on both sides of your instrument. This product comes with an adjusting tool to snugly fit the armrest to your mandolin.


When ordering your Octave Mandolin Armrest, please specify the thickness of your particular instrument so we can ship your armrest with the proper size hardware to accommodate your particular instrument. This is important, as octave mandolins come in a variety of body thicknesses.  Also, if you intend to put this on a left-handed instrument, please let us know.

News Flash!
Since we started making this size of Armrest, we have found that they work on a wide variety of other instruments, such as smaller guitars, ukuleles,  solid-body electric guitars, hollow-body electric guitars, etc. We do have a limited variety of clamping dimensions that we can come up with, so if you would like to try one of these armrests on a different instrument, let us know how thick it is, and we can take it from there.

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