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Divided Mold



This is a soap mold that will hold 12-14 lbs of soap. It has three removable dividers that separate the mold into four individual logs. With this mold you can make four different logs of soap, or take out one or all of the dividers and make one big block of soap. You can even make smaller batches and use only one, two or three of the divided areas. It’s the only soap mold you will need!

The front is easily removable using two knobs, and the bottom tray slides out so that removing the soap from the mold is easy!
Our customers tell us that it is the perfect mold for swirling. They swirl in the full mold, then put in the dividers. This makes beautiful swirls that get rave reviews.
The molds come with wooden stiffeners that can be placed on the tops of the dividers. This not only stiffens the dividers, it also allows multiple molds to be stacked during curing if space is an issue.

Un-molded soap sizes:  When using all 3 dividers, your soap logs will be 3-1/8″ wide and 12″ long.  The depth will vary according to how much soap you poured into the mold.  (Maximum depth is 2-7/8″)  When making 12 pounds of soap, and cutting the bars at 1″, you will end up with 48 four ounce bars.

When the mold is used without dividers, your block will be 12″  x  13″.

This handy mold is made with HDPE, a type of plastic that soap does not readily stick to, and has a sturdy Europly base. We even include a re-useable liner for the bottom, and Vasoline to run along the bottom of the dividers. Some people prefer to line each divider, and this is easily accomplished with parchment paper or freezer paper. Interfold Deli Paper sheets are ideal for this purpose.  They are the perfect size for lining the dividers.
This tool is made to last for years of production.

Please note that shipping prices are included below

one mold – $95 + $22.50 for shipping

two molds –   $180 + $29 for shipping

four molds –   $350 + $36 for shipping


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