As you may have heard, our Hendersonville, TN shop was hit hard by a tornado recently. Read more...

Parts & Accessories

We sell a variety of parts for Mandolins, Mandolas, Banjos, and Guitars. Take a look!

Click to Shop Parts

Our Instruments

We also sell Guitars and Mandolins that we make in-house called Redline Acoustics. Take a look at our selection of custom instruments!

Click Here to Learn More

Soap Tools

On an entirely different note (not musical, of course!) we also make and sell soap molds and cutters. Take a look at our selection!

Click to Shop Soap Tools

A Little About Us

Cumberland Acoustic is a manufacturing shop located just outside beautiful Nashville, Tennessee. We have been making quality parts for instrument builders, musicians, and retailers since 1998 and we carry a line of stock parts for Mandolins, Banjos, Dobros, and Guitars. We also specialize in custom work. If you would like to learn more, click here to take a quick tour of our shop.

Our Instruments Out in the Wild

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